Info.Net Issue One ------------------ Introduction Here it is, Issue 1 of Info.Net! This is the first real issue, which has been designed to bring everybody up to around the same level. It covers Telnet and some BBS. For more information type infonet at the DOS prompt and read the magazine. Thanks to everybody out there who wrote in with helpful suggestions, votes of confidence, and general support. Special thanks go out to Charlie (you know who you are!) for the E-Mail address! For those of you with a European Keyboard, I'm sorry for the poor choice of keys used in Issue 0. The error has been corrected, and you can now use the UpArrow, and DnArrow keys instead. (At least you can on a US keyboard). If you still have problems, then write to me, and I'll take it from there. To all those people who wanted subscriptions, I'm sorry. The only way Info.Net is distributed at the moment is via ftp from SimTel. However, if you send me your E-Mail Address I will try to mail a plain ASCII version to you for the next issue. The next issue will contain any contributions which I get from now until two weeks hence. Issue 2 is due out in about three weeks. This issue has been a little late, but there you are. As always contributions to the usual address. I am looking for a regular reviewer for Shareware/Freeware/Public Domain releases (any format) as there has been a lot of interest in that area, and I don't really have the time to go hunting myself! I intend also to publish a sort of poll, amongst our readers. If you wish to add your opinions to this, then E-Mail Info.Net at the address at the end of the magazine with answers to these questions: Do you think Info.Net is a good idea? Is it too basic, or too complex? What would you like to see more of? What would you like to see less of? What new section would you like to read? Will you continue to read Info.Net? Thanks in advance for your contributions to this initial poll :-) Requirements 286, 386, 486, Pentium, any speed! 512k Base Ram VGA Card (Color or Gray-Scale) These are the minimums which I know work. If anyone finds a lower operating environment, then please let me know. =============================================================================== = E-Mail : (Guy Lecky-Thompson) = = Snail Mail : Info.Net = = Top Flat = = 52/53 Friar Gate = = Derby DE1 1DF = = ENGLAND = ===============================================================================